我有幸见到了Guido Van Helten. 圭多是澳大利亚人,他在世界各地画大型壁画. His travels have landed him to Faulkton, South Dakota, where he has created this masterpiece! 这幅壁画是如此之大,以至于从镇上的任何一个地方都可以看到它. 它象征着南达科塔州的小乡村...
鼓舞人心的社区领袖 is flexible and adaptable to South Dakota’s changing 农村 communities, 新的经营方式和经济环境.
鼓舞人心的社区领袖 can be customized to fit your business and organizational 领导 training needs. 下面是一些可能性的例子:
a) Getting Started with Leadership – A 45 minute presentation introducing the topic of “Exemplary Leaders”
社区之心 & 心灵场域指南 is a step-by-step approach to get people participating in local decision making and taking action to improve the place where they live, 工作, 和玩耍.
这个过程的重点是让每个人都参与到寻找保护的方法中来, restore or enhance their 社区's identity - its heart and soul - over the long term.
One couple is spreading the word of why farming and ranching is so important to our nation's economy. TWILA TV的A.J. Sabine tells us the story of how Troy and Stacy Hadrick became national advocates for agriculture.
制定《澳门网站游戏电子平台》就是为了帮助克服这些系统性障碍. It introduced a process that encourages communities to view housing as an interrelated and integral part of any 社区 development and economic development plan. The Playbook is designed to provide communities with technical assistance to develop their own specific and appropriate housing plans and to connect communities with resource providers and funding mechanisms that...
Sandbox is an online 社区 that helps businesses and individuals understand and use social media and digital tools provided by the professionals at 9Clouds. The goal of Sandbox is to improve digital literacy through up-to-date and interactive online courses. For a limited time these online courses will be provided at no cost to you through our link. SD Prairie Gateway正在努力带来...
Many of us have friends and family members living elsewhere who'd like to make South Dakota their permanent home. 通过把个人, 雇主, 以及州政府的resources, the 达科他根 program provides all the connections needed to help you find employees to fill your job openings. 这不是一个典型的求职网站. 达科他根将为参与者提供合适的就业机会...
Finding qualified employees, particularly in niche specialized positions can be a challenge. 正如你对焊工的需求一样, 合格的申请人可能不存在于直接地区, 或者国家! 而不是耸耸肩, 我们想和你们合作寻找合格的员工, 即使这意味着我们需要从南达科他州以外的地方招募人手. 我鼓励你这么做...
The 工作force development training grant program may be utilized to help offset costs to train employees. 这是一个简单的程序和申请过程. The application is easy to fill out and the follow-up reporting is minimal (one time). 当使用该计划培训现有职位的员工时, the employees must receive an increase in their wages as a result of the training. 这个项目...
The 南达科他州港口 and the 南达科他州国际贸易中心 are great resources to assist companies with their importing and exporting needs. 洛克·纳尔逊是这两个组织的联络人. 他的联络资料可于以下网址查阅:
达科塔上升 is a program designed to transform how entrepreneurs think about possibilities for themselves and their businesses.
This exciting opportunity is focused on strategically partnering with local communities to invigorate 农村 entrepreneurs and their businesses. 通过有意地投入财力和人力resources, 我们可以提高个人的能力, 反过来, 发展他们的业务.
南达科他州农村企业有限公司. 现在是达科他resources公司!
Our Purpose is to stimulate financial and human investment in South Dakota communities that are invested in themselves.
不管南达科他州的经济发展需要什么, 州长经济发展办公室或许能帮上忙. 我们拥有从资金到研究的一系列resources, from net工作ing to cutting red tape - that you can use to help your new or existing business grow.
南达科他州种植 (also known as NESDCAP and NESDEC) provides affordable business financing to both new and existing businesses to purchase inventory, 设备或不动产. 除了, 这个全国性的组织提供住房贷款, 回家修理, 房屋所有权和金融教育, 恒温, 紧急服务, 和更多的.
小企业协会提供有关小企业贷款的信息, 奖助金, 债券和其他财政援助. 找出哪种融资方式适合你!
而小企业管理局并不直接发放贷款, 你可以找一个当地的贷款人,他们可以帮助你申请贷款. You may also speak directly with a local SBA representative by calling 605-330-4243.
小企业协会提供有关小企业贷款的信息, 奖助金, 债券和其他财政援助. 找出哪种融资方式适合你!
而小企业管理局并不直接发放贷款, 你可以找一个当地的贷款人,他们可以帮助你申请贷款. You may also speak directly with a local SBA representative by calling 605-330-4243.
A movement of change is rolling across the landscape as many 农村 communities pioneer a new future. 农村正呈现出一种令人兴奋的新含义. 小社区正因大创意而活跃起来. 人们正在相互联系,并与一个充满机遇的世界联系在一起.
重新燃起的希望是动力. 没有人比南迈纳县的人民更了解这一点...
税后,你带回家多少钱? 你辛苦挣来的工资能买多少? 你在哪里工作和生活重要吗?
In 2012 the Governor’s Office of Economic Development conducted a wage study to answer these questions by assessing purchasing power across the nation. We looked at median wages by occupation and then analyzed the impacts of taxation and cost of...